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Mammoth Alpine Coaster

Nová Mamutí horská dráha má neuvěřitelné 3 kilometry, a tím se stává nejdelší bobovou dráhou v Česku a druhou nejdelší v Evropě. Na pokladně Marcelka nebo v Mamutíkově vodním parku si můžete zakoupit jednosměrnou jízdu (nahoru nebo dolů) a nebo jet tam i zpět. Můžete jet sami nebo ve dvou, platí se však za osobu, nikoliv za bob. Maximální nosnost bobu je 150 kg, s rodiči mohou jezdit děti od 3 let, samy pak od 8 let a výšky 135 cm. 


New bobsleigh track is 3 kilometers long which makes is the longest track of this kind in Czechia and second longest in Europe. In ticket office Marcelka you can buy one-way ride (uphill or downhill) or both ways. Bobsleighs are for two people but you can go alone. The price is per person, not per bobsleigh. Maximal bearing is 150 kg, children from 3 years old can ride with and adult, children from 8 years old and 135 cm can go alone. 


We offer a wide variety of chalets and apartments, and amenities and services to accommodate those looking for an inexpensive getaway and those looking for an exquisite full service stay. Don’t settle for ordinary, come experience something special!


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